
Video Poker Strategy - Using the Video Poker Strategy Card

This article discusses the video poker strategy card and its importance in helping you increase your chances of winning a game of video poker.

The Importance of Video Poker Strategy

There are many forms of poker in the world today. One of the more recent forms of poker is video poker. Video poker is technology-driven, which is one of the reasons the game has been around only a short while: the technology for the game itself is relatively new, compared to the period of time that poker, the original game from which video poker was born, has been around.

In this article we will discuss the history of video poker and talk about the basic kinds of video poker games available today.

History of Video Poker – The Early Days

Video poker is a game not just of chance; it also requires a certain level of skill. It is because of the skill requirement that knowing the right video poker strategy to adopt for a specific game becomes critical in the context of increasing your chances of winning.

If you have the correct video poker strategy in place, you can take advantage of the high returns that most video poker games offer, anywhere from near 100 percent to more than 100 percent depending on the game you chose, to make sure you have the winning edge. Not knowing the right video poker strategy can take away any chances you have of winning, and then anything you win would be based purely on your luck, not on your skill.

In this article, we discuss the different kinds of video poker strategy you should know so you have the advantage when you play a specific video poker game.

The Importance of the Video Poker Strategy Card

The first video poker machine came into existence in 1970, when Dale Electronics brought out the Poker-Matic, a video poker machine that casinos in Las Vegas used, but which did not turn out to be too popular. What is the advantage of having your own video poker strategy card? It is a great tool to have as a video poker player simply because it lists out the best way of playing a specific hand you may have. You can practice at home with a strategy card before actually going on to a casino to play video poker.

You can also use strategy charts to learn the correct moves for individual video poker hands that you may be dealt during a game. The best thing about a strategy card or a strategy chart is that you can carry it with you when you go to play video poker at a casino. If you are playing online, all you have to do is have it near you and consult it whenever you are not sure about how to play a specific hand.

How to Use a Video Poker Strategy Card

It is not too difficult to use a video poker strategy card. Basically, you need to check out the video poker hand that the machine deals you, and then check for the corresponding move on the video poker strategy card. Start looking at the top of the card and make your way downwards till you locate the move on your video poker strategy card. The correct way to play the hand the machine has dealt you is the hand nearest to the top of the strategy card.


