
Baccarat Variations

There are a few forms of baccarat variations – American baccarat, mini baccarat, chemin de fer and baccarat banque.

All baccarat variations basically run along the same line, but may have slightly different regulations, and will have different amounts of player participation.

American Baccarat

This is the most common of all the baccarat variations that you will find in USA casinos, and will often be referred to as just baccarat. This type of baccarat originated in the 1950s in South America and may also be referred to as Nevada style baccarat. In other parts of the world this type of baccarat may be called Punto Banco. In American Baccarat, the deal will rotate around the table so each player gets a chance to deal. Of all the baccarat variations, American baccarat is probably the most straight forward to play, as the players simply follow the instructions of the croupier or caller that is running the show. For example, when the Caller calls "cards" the dealer knows to deal the cards, and it is the Caller who will pass the Player cards to the player with the highest Player position bet. Equally, with American baccarat the player has no need to know the rules of drawing a third card or not, because the caller will announce if a "card for the Player" or a "card for the Bank" is necessary. Furthermore, in American baccarat, the dealer at no point gets to choose whether to draw or not – it is all set according to the rules.


This is a smaller version of American baccarat that is considered by many to be far more approachable. This version is played at a blackjack-size table and unlike the other baccarat variations that have a 3-person staff, mini baccarat has only one staff member. Furthermore, in mini-baccarat, the staff member does all of the dealing, meaning that unlike other baccarat variations, the only thing a player needs to do in mini-baccarat is bet, and occasionally cut the cards.

Chemin de Fer

This European version is the most complicated of all the baccarat variations, but for that reason is often considered to be the most exciting. In Chemin de Fer the casino staff is responsible for very little. In this version of the game, the player who is acting as dealer must also play the Bank position and must book all bets; a job done by the casino staff in American Baccarat. In addition to this, all the other players in Chemin de Fer have no option but to play the Player position. Another difference is that often the dealer position is determined by an auction in which the highest better gets the position.

Baccarat Banque

Another European variation, in Baccart Banque you will find two Player hands being dealt, and the Banker is not bound by the rules that other baccarat variations use regarding the drawing of a third card.
